
Welcome to Impian Kota! A blog where we take a deep dive into Malaysian urbanism and public transportation. This blog publishes a new article every Tuesday 7:30 am.

This blog is run by Slainthayer, a prominent Twitter user famous for his threads on transit and urbanism. Most of the articles here will be authored by him, but the goal is to host articles made by other enthusiast, activist, and policymakers.

Why subscribe to this blog?

  1. Content Freedom. Social media algorithm dictates what topics are talked about. This leaves a lot of topics unexplored. Having a site not bound by any algorithm allows us to tackle niche topics such as government policy, fundamentals, and so on without at the mercy of the algorithm.

  2. Insight. A lot of social media post oftentimes lack nuances and context, to a point where most post are very low-effort and/or rage-baiting. A blog article allows us to not sacrifice any detail in order to appease the algorithm gods.

  3. Convenience. All of our articles can be read entirely within the email itself. No more links or another app just to read us. That way, you can incorporate this as part of your daily morning email catchup, skipping social media entirely.

Enter your email and click the button below. We look forward to share our insights and knowledge with you.

Subscribe to Impian Kota

Deep dives into the concept and issues of Malaysian transit, housing, and urbanism.


🇲🇾🫠 | Transit and urban planning nerd | Property Analyst | Account MY: @slainthayer_my | #fundrapidkl #fundktmb #caroptionalcity #yimby